Pale Slate is a light pastel shade of Pinkish Red. It belongs to the color family Pastel Crimson, and it has high lightness and low saturation. Pale Slate is a pastel color. Pale Slate effect can vary from warm to cool, depending on what colors it is paired with.
RGB space
CMYK space
The hex code for Pale Slate is #C3BFC1.
In the RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color space, which is used for digital colors, Pale Slate has 76%% Red, 75% Green, and 76% Blue.
Pale Slate has 330° Hue, 2% Saturation, and 76% Value in the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) color space, which is another way to represent digital colors.
Pale Slate has 330° Hue, 3% Saturation, and 76% Lightness in the HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) color space, which is a different way to express digital colors.
Pale Slate has 0% cyan, 2% magenta, 1% yellow, and 24% black in the CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) color space, which is used for color printing.
Color Space |
Original Units |
Percentage |
Hex |
#C3BFC1 |
(195, 191, 193) |
(76%, 75%, 76%) |
(330°, 2, 76) |
(91%, 2%, 76%) |
(330°, 3, 76) |
(91%, 3%, 76%) |
(0, 2, 1, 24) |
(0%, 2%, 1%, 24%) |
The natural luminance of Pale Slate is 53%, which is medium high.
Pale Slate has a higher contrast with black than white.
Pale Slate and black have a 11.5:1 contrast ratio, which meets the AAA requirement. These colors are suitable for text.
Pale Slate and white have a 1.8:1 contrast ratio, which is insufficient for readability.
Luminance |
Contrast to Black |
Contrast to White |
53% |
AAA (11.5) |
insufficient (1.8) |
Example Black |
Example White |
Example Black |
Example White |
To mix Pale Slate paint using eight primary colors (Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, White, and Black), you'll need to combine 1% Red, 1% Magenta, 24% Black, 75% White, as shown below.
To mix Pale Slate paint using five primary colors (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, White, and Black), you'll need to combine 1% Magenta, 1% Yellow, 24% Black, 75% White, as shown below.
Colors similar to Pale Slate are: Pink Swan, Lily, Pink Flare, Blossom, and Pink Pearl. Pink Swan is more red and brighter and darker than Pale Slate. Lily is more magenta and brighter and darker than Pale Slate. Pink Flare is more red and brighter and lighter than Pale Slate. Blossom is more red and brighter than Pale Slate. Pink Pearl is more magenta and brighter than Pale Slate.